Time Line of Bill Shorten

1967 - Born 12 May in Melbourne
1999 - Labor candidate for the state seat of Melton
2000 - Married Debbie Beale
End of 2001-  AWU's National Secretary
2005 - Re-elected as Victorian State Secretary
2005 December until May 2008 - Was the Victorian State President of the Labor Party
2006 - Was also a member of the Australian Council of Trade Unions Executive
2007 in August - resigned as Victorian State Secretary of the AWU
2008 – Divorced
2009 - Married Chloe
2011 - Was a member of the party's National Executive
2012- Issued a public appeal requesting the cessation of an unspecified smear campaign about their marriage
2013 - Defeat of the Labor government at the federal election

2015 - 

1 comment:

Anita said...

Well done...