"Manus Island Detention Center To close" PNG Prime Minister says


All of those people in Manus Island Who kept illegally have been claim false emplacements entered the canter. Australian Government what Peter Dutton has to take responsibilities because it is Australia’s! Peter Dutton “ I think the first step is people not get ahead of our self because PNG government has to say what the responsibilities will be and what they propose how to deal with this situation will be in the next 24 hours. 

“Peter Dutton is keeping his head on the sand will not make this issue go away, we have vulnerable people who must be released from PNG Camps  and those camps must be closed” Sarah Hanson-Young Said.

“ We will do nothing to close our borders the journey between java and Christmas Island” Peter Richard said.


People kept illegally
Its Australia’s responsibilities
Peter Dutton It is PNG decision
The decision will be in 24hrs
People must be released

“We are going to close our border from Java Island” Richard Maries

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